# 20:17 誤謬のため訂正

いろいろ細かいことを見ていると興味深いデータがあります。Howard Dean氏のメーリングリストに登録しているのですが、その今日届いたメールにこういう下りがありました。

I know about health care, because my wife Judy and I delivered it, one patient at a time, as family doctors. Judy still does. As Governor of Vermont, I provided 99 percent of children and 92 percent of adults with health care, and expanded prescription coverage for seniors. I will stand up to George Bush and say, "I’ve provided Americans with health care. Why haven’t you?"

As Governor, my educational policies lowered child abuse rates and raised graduation rates. Teen pregnancy declined by 49%; childhood immunization went up to 97%. I will stand up to George Bush and say, "I’ve provided Americans with education. Why haven’t you?"



ちなみにVermontでは15-19歳の出産率は 2.4%。US全体では4.3%。日本でもそういうことを言わなければならなくなる日が近いんですかね。いろいろな事を考えさせられます。


投稿者 wolfy